Yesterday it was ...

Tobacco, today it is sleeping tablets. Mum has half of one of these a night, and as she is not coming over to us in May I am having to take enough to the UK to see her through until September, when, hopefully, she will be able to come over for a holiday.

Today was the golf club AGM, done and dusted in an hour and a quarter, nothing contentious, although we, the committee, half expected a problem. We have had to expel two members. In October there was the Presidents day comp and a lunch the day after, this couple, complained that the wine was corked, it was cheap plonk to start with, then they complained about their meal and to top it all they walked out before the presentation took place, without informing the President of their intentions. An EGM was called and the members voted to expel them, people who were not present at the meal complained about the actions of the committee and club members, but as we said, if you were not at the lunch you do not know the full story and therefore cannot express an opinion. We were not there so we have kept our own council, we agree with the decision, as this pair always find something to complain about at the monthly lunches, and they have frequently been caught 'cheating' on the golf course, so no loss to the club. We did think that they might turn up to the AGM and cause trouble, but they didn't. The other couple not to rejoin are the pair, were the wife often 'throws her toys out of the pram' they will not be missed either, so we have lost some members and gained some new ones.

Off for a glass of wine and to watch the lovely Prof Cox, missed his programme last night, shame.

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