
By schlimm

Modern Art?

No, just a dead tulip. Tulips (as I may have mentioned here before) are one of my favourite flowers and I am fascinated by the fact how they change from bloom to withered state and each phase is interesting and very much blippable.

This is a bit of an emergency blip, I didn't really have time to think about my blips much of late and have also not backblipped yet for this year. (I really would need a day or two off work to backblip everything for the last two years but I will not do that just now, it's a bit too busy).

It's been an interesting day, I've managed to type and layout a Burns' Night programme and was really quite pleased with the result, as always a bit of cooperation was necessary and all the more helpful. I find that I work much better most of the time with someone in the office, to bounce off ideas and get a good first opinion which can be critical too. I also seem to be much more productive the more people come and visit and interrupt my workflow (although this does not apply for the accountancy side of things where peace and quiet are much more helpful). Trying to tie up lots of loose ends just now and it sometimes feels like I'm never going to get them all tied up but sooner or later there will be results and deadlines to be met.

Thinking about J who is not well and undergoing surgery.

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