blink and miss

By boxgirl

beautiful swan...

I was pleasantly surprised by the weather this morning... no need for thawing and scraping the car, so I arrived at work in a much calmer state of mind than yesterday.
This is the first week of working my new hours, I now start earlier, which is taking a bit of getting used to.... BUT, I also finnish earlier which is great for Sammy dog.
Normally it's getting too dark for our favourite haunt at the back of the race course at walk time, but now we have enough day light left to get a good old hike around the area.
It's a beautiful place, you can change your route every day and see something different. We're lucky enough to have the sea front, a bird reserve, vast amounts of land, the race course and the river and a boating pond all in one place.
I snapped this swan at the boating pond today, the water was so still and with the grey tint in the sky reflecting on it, the pond looked like a giant mirror....

This photo wasn't easy to take.... it's difficult getting a shot when you have an energetic puppy in one hand and a bag of poo in the other!!... the joys of dog walking! :-)

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