blink and miss

By boxgirl

Sammy come home :-)

It's taken months to achieve this with Sammy... he just would not travel in the back of the car at all..... I blame it on the trauma of being taken away from his Mum and starting a 4hr journey home in the back of this car.
He was only in the back for one minute (yelping the whole time!) when he pooped everywhere!!.... setting a pattern that has lasted until the penny dropped for him this week.... at last! :-)
He had been traveling in the foot well, but I was never keen on this for safety reasons.. He has grown so big now that our hand was forced in the issue and we've had to persevere with his training to get him to this point.
So taking him his walk today, I just felt so pleased with my puppy dog... and I think he was feeling pretty pleased with himself too...

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