Chubby wee hands

Here is a little mess around with colour and tints and feathering etc etc. If you hadn't already guessed these are wee Jessica's hands!

Today we went to register Katie for school and later tonight I have to do my placing request forms for her to get into the same school as Megan and Johnny. Here's hoping we have no problems getting in, eh???

Busy day today - our builders were in to fix our squeaky landing and check our insulation in the lost as one end of the house upstairs was always cold. We no longer have a squeaky landing and it turns out there was insulation which hadn't been put into it's "proper" place. The man has now fixed this so we have to wait and see now to see if this is the problem fixed. They are back again to check a "damp" patch in our garage - that will be interesting to see what they say it is!!

Dancing for the girl tonight and now 2 in bed with another 2 about to follow shortly.


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