A brief case

By twodollarbill

Day 3/25

No picture yesterday because it was the "don't use electronics" challenge. I ended up getting a ridiculous amount of work done AND had tons of free time AND went to bed early. However, I also woke up at 2 o'clock in a state of delirious panic and was like, "OH GOD WHAT IF THE INTERNET NEEDS ME AND THE WORLD IS ENDING BECAUSE I DIDN'T CHECK MY E-MAILS?!"

I also had a dream that Joe died and when I woke up, still feeling the emotional after-effects, my first thought literally was, "OH GOD I CAN'T EVEN E-MAIL HIM TO TELL HIM HOW MUCH HE MEANS TO ME." How was that my first thought? What have I become!?

Today's challenge is to eat three meals that cost only $3 each to simulate the fact that a lot of people in poverty live off of $10 a day. The hardest part so far has been figuring out what to buy from campus, because everything at the caf is ridiculously overpriced. I'm hungry.

Also, don't buy bananas that are warm to the touch, as were the bananas in this photo. They're misleadingly green on the outside and sickeningly sweet on the inside because they were artificially ripened.

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