
By ineffable



We met at a wedding Nov 1 2008 and here we are, years later, still the dearest of friends. She has been the kind of friend you couldn't begin to ask for or dream of.

She's been to all of my houses (including this one) - I have friends who live in town that have never been here. Pretty impressive. I've lived in three houses in Boston, she's been to all of them. She came to Berlin. We've rung in multiple New Years together. We have cried many a tear together, and apart.

She is a dear, dear friend. Now, and then, and for a long time. I am learning that friendships have their seasons. Not that they come and go, but they have different points of emphasis, presence, and even patience - but this one. She's pretty constant this half-decade, and for that I'm infinitely grateful.

In light of LL's big day and BW's big day I think it's appropriate that I offer this dedication to my dear, dear LL. Thank you for being a friend. Happy Birthday one. I blip because of you!

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