Thursday: A Karaoke Adventure

This afternoon, I met my old team for a belated farewell celebration which started with us all we piling into a sushi restaurant in Soho for a delicate little meal of tons of sushi.  

The plan, after that, was to go to karaoke to a place in Soho where you have lovely little private rooms and can warble away to your heart's content.  In her enthusiasm to open the door of the Lucky Voice Karaoke Club, however, my friend, Karen, whacked herself on the head with aforementioned big wooden door and cut herself badly enough for us all to wince and immediately start mumbling 'A & E', 'butterfly stitches', 'ice-pack', 'brandy' etc (that last one was me.......).

I was deputed to accompany Karen to A & E, where she was seen to, and had her head 'glued'.....apparently the modern equivalent of butterfly stitches.  The real heroes were a) Karen, who was desperate to still go to karaoke (although we didn't let her), and b) Penfold, Mme Johnson and the Wise One who manfully held the fort in a pub.  Yes, they were very brave!

So, we never made it to Lucky Voice Karaoke Club but they have promised us that we can go back any time so there still seems to be no escape!  We are now working on the song list for our visit and, so far, have come up with 'Hit Me, Baby, One More Time' and anything by 'Blood, Sweat and Tears'.......

Track 19

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