Traffic Lights

Dundas Street, Edinburgh. Here's what it looks like in the daytime.

After a normal sort of day I went to the Filmhouse to see Tatsumi, a Japanese film about Yoshihiro Tatsumi who was one of the first to create adult comics in the 1950s. Pretty strange stuff to be honest, and I'm pretty familiar with that sort of thing. Or I thought I was.

Funnily enough I'm also reading that over-priced Marvel series that's just come out. Issue 1 is Spiderman, and for 99p it's completely brilliant. Issue 2 is X-Men at £6.99 and still pretty good. Issue 3 is Iron Man, and unless I'm stuck in a train station for ages or something similar, at £9.99 I'll be missing that, thanks all the same.

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