.....tiddly beer, beer, beer......

Another emergency blip.

The weather has been foul all evening, couldn't get out for a decent shot. So bad I even drove to the pub and forsook beer in favour of lemonade so I could drive us all back.

Lost the quiz by two points to a gaggle of 6 drunken women and 5 mobile phones. It's getting so bad we're seriously thinking of changing venue, spotted at least four teams googling answers tonight, including a group of youngsters scanning in the picture round! The only reason we keep going is because we still win more than we lose....and obviously because I'm Captain of the League team....I mean you can't represent a pub if you don't go in there.....can you.

So here it is....my beer when I got home.

Charlotte has begun to walk....with the help of a walker...she'll be off soon....she's only 8 month's old for God's sake! I'd better see her this weekend before she grows up completely!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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