
By Fisherking

......If we took a holiday......

Desperate blip today.
Been off work all day with a swollen foot. You might remember I had a similar problem a few months ago. This time it's the left foot, big toe swollen up to the size of a sausage and ball of foot like a ping pong ball.

We're now thinking it's one of two things..................Gout or Septic Arthritis.
Got bitten while out fishing a year or two back and in the intervening times have had various painful swellings. (Stop it! I know you all have dirty minds!) Wrist, lower arm, finger joint, right foot and now left could be the arthritis bit with the infection lying dormant and flaring up every so often.........or could be gout......but nothing showed up in my recent blood tests.

For now the treatment is simple, painkillers, anti-inflammatories and rest with affected part elevated. Since the Son and Heir has stolen our coffee table and side tables for his new house the only option was bed all day, until the Boss got home, hence the rubbish blip.

The Daughter bought me this for Christmas, it's not technically correct (should say Christmas, Easter and August) but the sentiment is what many people feel about my why not flaunt it!

Das vidanya.

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