A Camera's Perspective

By katejohnston

Elegance, Jan 19

The beautiful swans on the loch always amaze me with their gracefulness, they're so elegant and pure.

It snowed today at school which kicked up a great fuss - all the girls complaining about their hair and all the boys complaining that it wasn't settling on the ground. It was torrential weather when I was walking home, but I had my man's hand to hold, and felt slightly warmer knowing that I had a sweater and a scarf on when he only had his shirt and blazer, which was slightly silly!

Yesterday's ice bath did the job - all the rowers were complaining about their legs (exactly how I was last week!), yet I was able to walk around, almost like normal! Definitely worth the screaming in the bath.

Tonight's session was very hard work, three racing loops of the canal. I've crashed straight into my bed, knowing that my legs are going to ache like hell in the morning. But I'll complain about that tomorrow. Goodnight!

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