Simply Me

By Suze981

Burns night

I know Burns night is on the 25 January, but C & D decided to throw a dinner party and decided that we would make it into a wee Burns night too.

The night was almost thwarted by a fallen tree, or the 'branch debacle' as C has now coined it. We were trapped in the car for an hour and a half on the way home. When we got there it was a mad dash to make a cheesecake (my contribution) assemble blender to make margueritas (that classic Scottish drink), clean flat and cook food. I have to say everything went marvellously well, aside from slicing my thumb open on the blender blade. Who knew you weren't supposed to pick that part up by the blade?

A lovely evening was had by all and the food was lovely - thanks Yeldog!

Our team thoroughly lost at articulate. I was starting to get a little distracted at that point so i'm putting it down to that - not my incapability to describe the word impala.

I went to sleep happy after having a good day.

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