
Another wild, windy day here in Central Scotland.

My daughter's acting classes have started back so had some time to kill in Stirling. As usual, I had my camera with me but didn't see anything blipworthy except a little boy of about three or four years old dressed in a Spiderman costume. He looked really funny and cute at the same time. Didn't want to ask his mum if I could take his photo. Didn't want to have to try and explain.

So, here you have a shot of hubby making chilli for tonight's dinner. When he is at home he does most of the cooking which is great. I can't say I enjoy cooking. It is just something that you have to do. I would gladly bake every day but don't think the waistline would like that.

Off now to set the table in anticipation of the delicious offering.

P.S. Chillies picked fresh from our own little chilli plant sitting on the window ledge.

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