Guess the body part?

What is happening?

Saturday evenings used to be when I got taken to the pub for a few glasses of wine. I liked that. Everyone used to make and fuss of me and sometimes I even got a packet of pork scratchings!

Last week Ann picked me up from my dog sitters, brought me straight home and proceeded to take a 'close up' of my nose.

This week she's done the same - except this week it's not my nose. Can you guess what it is? ...................................All will be revealed tomorrow!

Thank you so, so much to everyone who commented on my blip yesterday. I'm not quite sure why, but loads of you seemed to like it and I was in second position on 'spotlight'. Just goes to show that 'Blippers' love me even when I'm naughty??!!

However, today I am very pleased to report that I have been a very well behaved little collie dog. In fact, Christian my dog sitter, told Ann that he thought I must have made a New Year Resolution to be the 'perfect pooch' in 2012 because the last three Saturdays that he's looked after me my behaviour has been exceptional. I haven't put a paw wrong.

See ............................. I can behave when I want???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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