Light pollution

It's becoming a bit of a bug-bear of mine.

We have birds tweeting away at all hours of the night because it isn't dark around here.

Large chunks of sky are devoid of anything but orange glow.

If you were to draw a line from the top centre of this image, then downwards, that is where the Milky Way is. 10 minutes in a genuine dark sky area would render it visible to the naked eye.

No chance here.

So despite the beauty of the stars that I can see, I find myself frustrated by the stars that I cannot see. It is propelling me towards being a star-chaser, looking at where I can go and what I can see.

Anyway, more information (and a cunning interactive pollution map) here.

That's it. Have spent 8 hours in front of this machine today number crunching and prepping for a meeting tomorrow afternoon. Haven't even prepped formally for my lesson obs - will have to do that tomorrow morning. I have an absolute pounding headache again which has spread into my neck, I'm dizzy and my face is burning.

And the usual pelvic and abdominal pain continues.

Am going to bed to dream of dark skies.

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