Fat Peg, Small Hole

So the question this afternoon was whether a fat peg can fit through a small hole. With a bit of help, yes.

Work on the house continues at a pace (not a fast pace as we've been starting work at around midday each day). Today I spent most of the afternoon under the house working on the floor joists. The idea was to sister/scab them up to existing floor joists, but someone needed to get underneath. That would me then! Which isn't a problem.

Laid out a large bit of plastic to lie on, and then got the joists done. Added a few more joints in to stop the floor flexing, and I reckon we've done a pretty good job.

Worked quite well in fact. I could identify which joists needed extra help, and how long the extra joist needed to be.

Tomorrow we start work on the main front wall. Which is going to be interesting considering this is load bearing.

If you had told me 5 years ago I'd be doing this - and enjoying it - I would not have believed you. But this is fun, if a little slow going. Learning a lot as well, which is always nice. I haven't got a plan, but my brother in law does, and I figure that as long as one of knows what we're doing - that's good.

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