All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Computer whizz kid

Why it it that over the weekend, Ethan woke up at 6.20am. This morning, when we were in a rush to get to nursery / work, we had to wake him up at 7.15am otherwise we'd never have made it on time!

When we picked him up today, he had several scratches on his face which the nursery admitted they didn't know how he had got him. However when asked, both by them and us he kept saying "car" so guessing he had an argument with a toy car! He also got bitten on the arm by another child today. First time for ages that has happened ... does make me wonder if the reason there has been a gap of a few months is because the culprit child moved from Tweenies to Toddlers a few months before Ethan! Apparently Ethan did absolutely nothing to upset the other child - they just randomly went up to him and bit him! Poor Ethan!

He was happy enough when we picked him up though and played very happily this evening. He has 2 "laptops" and I'm sure it won't be too many more years down the line till he's asking for a real one!

I spent ages tidying up his playroom - Granny will be pleased to see I've sorted all the toys out and the jigsaws are all put together, the right toys are with their right accessories etc ...... if it manages to stay that way till she's next over on Thursday that is!

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