A Year in Phnom Penh

By nellbj

Medicine corrupted

I finally went to the Doctor today after 6 weeks of feeling under the weather or downright terrible. I hate going to the Doctor's at the best of times, but combine that with having to pay ridiculous amounts for an unlikely diagnosis from someone whose professional qualifications you have no way of verifying and there seems little incentive to go at all.

And as predicted, she barely listened to my symptoms before she was writing an enormous script of medicine I 'need' to take (at more expense) before I must go back to her (at extra cost) for another consultation, at which (once I have sorted out my symptoms) she might be able to get to the bottom of the real problem. Added to which she actually chided me for not going to see her earlier, saying I left treatment much too long (treatment for what she was less specific about).

Diagnosis...bronchitis with a throat and ear infection, as a result of bacteria which 'invaded' my body after a likely dose of Dengue Fever at the start of December which left my immune system low. Treatment...assorted medicines (see above) and bed rest for several days (does going to work count?) and a return visit next week. Conclusion...sceptical at best and downright suspicious at worst.

The problem is, I don't know what other option I have. Oh for a verifiable GP!!

Final diagnosis..

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