Friday Foto

By drmackem

Middleton Woods

I had 15mins this afternoon to put on my wellies and wander into the woods.

Usually I'm running and wheezing up through these woods, or descending at "speed" back down. All is pretty grey and middling around here today, but I found just standing amongst the trees, being dripped on by the rain held up by the branches so settling. These trees have been around for a long time, and without their leaves stand bold and majestic. There is something almost mystical and calming and nurturing about being in their presence.

Being slowed by wellies and camera, what I initially saw as dark, dank, damp and lifeless became sounds of birds, and water running and the green of spring emerging. Transformation from the resting of winter.

These woods give us a stunning display of bluebells in season, no doubt about it I'll return to blip then.

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