A year in the Liefe of

By LainieC

My Prediction.

So, either I find myself having the gift of seeing into the future, dreams really DO come true, or I have played my cards right and scored a hat trick!
Cases are packed, well, one is and the other ---- nearing completion I'd say. Just need someone to sit on the lid to get it to close.Suitcases can be so temperamental!!Tyler is obviously too much of a lightweight to have the desired effect.
We are infact heading off in 'a giant bird' to see our baby girl in New Orleans (the old man I spoke of in yesterday's Blip was of course the Mississippi)After a few days of sight seeing , dining and entertainment in 'The Big Easy' , we will join her on that 'monster of the sea', Royal Caribbean's 'Voyager of the Seas,' cruising to the Caymen Islands, Jamaica and Mexico. A good holiday for us now that we are in our dotage, is one spent amongst people whose notions of time are vaguer than ours.
The troops have been drafted in. Our support team and 'granny sitting' services will arrive later today, (weather permitting) and along with a group of good friends will see to all mums needs AND attend to the dogs' every whim. Lisey, " If the world were filled with more beautiful people like you, it would be amazing to see what the world could do!" Without you, there would be no respite for dad and I.
Oh and forgot to say, meeting up with our son in Philadelphia, who will then proceed with us on the onward journey to our destinations. Life is indeed good.
A balmy breeze of summer flowers,
A welcome time of golden hours,
A warming sea that will caress,
A full-brimmed hat; a summer dress,
A hand that shields those glorious rays,
Pleasant thoughts; happy days,
Time stands still; all spells are cast,
Lift up anchor; tie the mast,
Close your eyes and drift away,
It's time for us to HOLIDAY.
*Will try to keep my Blips going but might prove difficult when on the briny, so may need to backblip on my return.Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.Keep on Blipping everyone.

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