Rough Thursday

Today could have started off a little better, the cat had thrown up in the living room and the kitchen sink decided to start leaking severely (my apartment is just over a year old). Then at work money that was supposed to come, didn't, and sales there were going to happen were canceled. Customers paying on time and getting new sales has been pretty difficult lately.

I went to Target with Drew and went down the kids aisle to go to the board games and I came across the lego section. I had tons of legos as a kid, I even had this lego huge bucket filled with them. I always remember the scenarios that were on the box or setup at the store, but as a child mine never looked that cool. I do think it's funny that someones job at target includes actually building these lego scenarios. I would have blipped this one, but you can see my giant looking hand in the reflection.

I sat outside for a few minutes waiting for Drew to finish up. The laziness of people always amazes me. Watching people drive around the parking lot for minutes on end or waiting for someone to load up their car, all to save from walking an extra 50 feet or less - I never got that. Especially since that's all you do when you go in the store. I always park as far away as possible since it's always easy to find your car and the extra exercise never hurts. Well the people who abandoned these carts I guess at least brought them up this far, but the extra 25 feet to get them to where they are really supposed to go must have been too much to handle.

This was another reject while I was sitting outside and realizing that I need some new shoes and jeans.

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