....show me your teeth.......

Dentist today with my broken tooth.....he was "running a little late"....so I eventually got in the chair 45 minutes after my appointment time.

An inspection, a poke around and three x-rays.

The verdict....it's not pretty.....or cheap.

Apparently I have "soft" teeth.....so....a prescription for sodium flouride toothpaste.

Two wisdom teeth need extracting........... they're not causing any pain...but "They will do sooner rather than later".

The x-ray of the broken tooth revealed a supernumary tooth in the jaw above the broken one (top left in the photograph)....he doesn't know how my previous dentist could have missed it!

So a referral to the Oral Surgery department so it can be removed.....it might involve a bit of "digging about".

Once it's been removed then a root filling!

Then a non precious metal post fitting.

Finally a porcelain crown.

Cost £204.00!

The extractions are going ahead over half-term break....whoopee-do!

The rest depends on when the Oral Surgery can be done....."could be weeks....could be months".

I think this could be a long running saga!

On a brighter note the Health Visitor saw Charlie today for her 8 month assessment...she's performing a few things at the 10 month level...but most at the 12 month level.......clever girl!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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