The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Birthday Bouquet

Today was just lovely. Pretty ordinary in some ways, usual early morning training followed by tea and boiled eggs, but I got to open my two presents at the breakfast table too! The girls don't really understand birthdays or why I seemed so excited this morning!

I headed to work and marked coursework at my desk from 7am until I spoke to you. Yawn! Then had a day of meetings and more meetings, interpsersed with flowers (thank you!), a few cards and the arrival of my new lens! What a perfect day! We had a rather dull joint SLT meeting and then I went for a run in the streets around school before driving home. My first three miler in far too long, it felt pretty good! Came home to train and feed the ladies, start the fire, I caught up with Mum and the in-laws and finally I am settling to blip...and then to play with my new lens! Hoorah!

So, here is a little flower blip to say thank you for my wonderful flowers and funky digital photo frame present...I will play with it at the weekend!xxx

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