The rest of forever...

By DrMac

The Royal Mint

They have a lot to answer for. So, money can't buy you happiness eh? Well, £1700 would buy me a new gas boiler, to replace today's exploding one, which would certainly make me a damn sight happier.

A crappity crap day. I taught two rotten lessons. And I hated them.
I tolerated some god awful members of staff who should be sacked or smacked.

And then, whilst I was trying to use my online account to pay a wonderful plumber a ridiculous sum of money to mend the aforementioned boiler, my it's wisdom...decided to block my account. And, to add insult to injury, whilst I was on the phone trying to unblock my account they decided to feeze all my accounts because I couldnt remember whether I took £30 or £40 out on Saturday morning.

So I put the phone down on the idiot in India.
And locked my office door. And cried.
And drove into town to the local branch to sort it all out.

Bollocks to technology (sorry Mum).
Stuff the royal mint.
And goodbye Santander. This is one cock up too many.

And then I went training. And I knocked seven bells out of the punchbag.
Then came home to furry innocent faces and ate yummy salmon.

And soon you are going to Skype me. Then all will be well.
God, I really miss you.xx

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