Life's Too Short

By MRuddle


Ok so I know the is a pretty rubbish photo and it looks like I put no time into it, but there is a perfectly sound reason for that. It's because it's true. I spent ages trying to get a photo I wanted of something else but it would not work. I'm pretty annoyed but oh well life goes on.

That's the thing about failing at something, you just gotta get up and try again. I know its really cliché but its true. There is a line in a song by one of my favourite bands which says: 'The best way to make it though with hearts and wrists intact is to realise 2 out of 3 ain't bad.' Very emo I know but its something that has helped me to get through some things in the past few years. You cant be the best at everything so quit trying.

So it is for this reason that in a few days time I will try again to take a picture of what I was trying to do and however good or bad I will post it.

Also I would like to mention another friend of mine, Anand. Anand is a great guy, the sort of guy who you would be an idiot to forgot to mention in a blog post yesterday... sorry.

(the quote is from 'I'm like a lawyer with the way I'm always trying to get off with you' by Fall Out Boy)

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