
By avilover

Physalis peruviana fruits

More weeding in the coffee today. Many hours of weeding. The worst of it is around the poha (pronounced POE-ha), which is planted along the edge of the field.

Poha is the Hawaiian name, though this native of South America goes by all sorts of names, including Aztec Berry, Cape Gooseberry, and Peruvian Cherry (as it's known in the US). It fruits in a very interesting way, growing one golden berry within a paper husk. When the husk goes from green to beige, the berry is ready to eat. After work I scavenged the plants for ripe ones; this is my haul.

Other fruiting plants on the property now include lilikoi (tropically delicious!), lemon, tangerine, papaya, banana, macadamia nut, and pineapple, plus many more on the way.

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