Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

State of the Union Address

This has been an important evening in American politics as President Obama gave his annual speech. I always enjoy seeing Michele Obama. She is a very attractive woman, and she certainly was stunning tonight. Hands down the one who stole the show this evening was Gabrielle Giffords, the congresswoman from Arizona who almost lost her life last January when she was shot in the head by an attacker during her "Congress on Your Corner" event in Tucson. I don't think of myself as a very political person, but I always try to watch this annual speech. As a teacher I think I am obligated to stay in touch with local, national, and world news, but I can guarantee you that I don't always understand it.

On the home front, Mr. Fun stayed home sick and slept all day. I didn't sleep much today, but I also didn't get much accomplished; I have no energy. We are both inundated with sinus head colds. Late in the afternoon I looked in the mirror and realized the white of my left eyeball is almost solid red from blood. I have no idea why. It is not painful and I don't think I have done any strenuous work that would have put pressure on my eye. I don't think this is anything to worry about, but if it is not better by morning, I'll phone my doctor.

Yesterday's rain had vanished completely this morning and later in the day the winter winds were brisk with a high ceiling of clouds. The view was beautiful and this evening's sunset was spectacular. I captured some of it with my camera, but I think I missed the best because I was giving Mr. Fun a haircut (something we've been puttin off for a long time -- and he doesn't want to return to work tomorrow with getting his hair trimmed). I'm learning how to cut his hair and I'm hoping I didn't butcher it. His attitude is "It'll grow back!"

So that was our day here at "Funville," but mostly today this place was "boring-ville."

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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