
By IzzyK

So much for...

...a quick blip! Under pressure today, boys to feed, LOTS of work to be done, more lots of stuff tomorrow...arrrrrggghhhhh

So as I was throwing stuff in the oven in the vain hope something tasty & edible comes out I spied this kitchen utensil & thought a quick photo under my halogen desk lamp in my office and that's one thing off the do list...how wrong was I.

For some reason as soon as I rested the offending utensil on the Halogen lamp the light stopped working....no bangs, no sparks...just dead as dodo. So now I'm going to have to troubleshoot why, is it the fuse, bulb or terminal damage :o( This is not good, I dislike ceiling lights when I work in my office...and I've got lots of work to do tonight....

Well the offending utensil got photographed on my bed...I know....how glamorous...and while it looked pretty sparkly and shiny in colour, messing around in black and white was more exciting!

So an hour later, a desk lamp down, a mum under more pressure, and kitchen utensil I'm not looking very kindly upon...ta da!

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