
Today I woke up in Glasgow then hammered up the road home, got in , let the dogs out, put coal on the fire then hammered on up to Oban for a meeting with someone at the Cal Mac terminal. God what a flimsy building. There was a bit of a wind and the main gantry to the ferry was swaying like mad and for a bit I thought the roof was going to come off. Then when I went to the loo the buggers had a turnstyle demanding 20 pence! 20 p for a pee!!!! They shouldnt be called Cal Mac they should be called Dick Turpin! Anyhows I sure as Hell wasnt giving them 20p so I jooked under their stupid barrier, I pay them enough in fares and for the privilage of being sick on their damn boats without having to pay a bladder tax!
Rushed back home and still working on these flaming forms. Will be burning the midnight oil tonight to get them all in for tomorrow. They actually just need to be checked and a few things added in but some folks can make a right pigs ear out of form filling. Now I have the Abbie dog scratching me with her paw looking for her dinner. I think Abbie has a paw watch somewhere in her fur as she is always bang on time for her food and the other two eejits just wait for her to give me the paw!
Rushing to get this done as yes I need to feed them and me then walk them and me then head off to my really serious camera club tonight. Not looking forward to even going out the door as its throwing it down, hence the lazy picture of Loch Long from the car earlier today plus I have a headache!

Dang! I just buttered my toast with the knife I used for the dogs dineer...dammed demanding dogs! I'll live

Have a good blip all

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