On guard?

Came home from my really serious camera club last night, watched a bit of TV and then at midnight started going over all these bloody forms.

Finished checking and re writing them about 4am and was too keyed up to sleep so read for an hour then slept sound as a pound till back of 8. I do things this way once in a while as I like the peace and quiet of the night time to work, have always been a bit of a bat. Just before going to bed I checked my FaceBook and sure enough #1 son was also still awake! Thankyfully both of our daughters sleep well , they are like their dad (he could sleep on a shelf)

Did loads more stuff today (on a roll here). Looking forward to having a nice weekend, mind you I must make an effort with the final in house camera comptetion after the rubbish I put in last week! This times its bridges, tunnels and arches so I will be on the lookout. I already have my tunnel earmarked and Im not telling where it is! Bridges I find hard to photograph but will try and as for arches? don't know where to start there,

Just got a text from a pal in Ireland asking how does she do a Toast to the Lassies for an Irish Burns night! Don't know, any ideas?

Todays pic of two of the doggies pretending to be guard dogs! more like couch potatoes, speaking of which I had better go and make the dinner...stewed sausages and get off this copmuter listening to Fascinating Aida on Spotify. They are brilliant and are in Glasgow in March so getting tickets for myself and the girls.

Happy blipping all

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