Time for a change ...

By asheepdogdiary

Day 22 - Dinner

Potato, cheese and onion pie with baked beans and baked tomatoes followed by fruity jelly and accompanied with a glass of ... elderflower cordial
Total calories = 450

It's been a very cold and wet day. I've spent the afternoon outside training ... I needed COMFORT food when I got home. This fitted the bill perfectly. A combination of sweet and old potatoes. Yum!

My Mum made the most amazing cheese and potato pie, I think this is the first I've made. Mum didn't use sweet potato but then we weren't needing to count calories or consider the GI levels. So many happy memories this evening, plus fulfilling food :)

Crunch time today, did I or didn't I manage to lose any weight? Well ...

Total weight lost this week = ½lb!

Can look at this loss one of two ways, be pleased it's a loss, be disappointed it's a pitiful amount! I'm actually very pleased I've lost this week ... it hasn't been the greatest of times, the last two weeks. A loss is a loss! Total weight loss is very good after just 3 weeks - if you're that keen to know what total weight loss is, then you can look back and work it out for yourself!

We are starting a slightly increased daily calorie intake now, onwards and upwards, as they say!

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