Who lives here!

Indeed who lives here?
Clue: They don't live in the real world!
They are not very good at planning!
They spend lots of money but not always on the right things!

At last ! finished all the damn forms. Now I am going to have a good form free weekend and next week start looking at diffirent forms. In the meantime I am busly plotting and scheaming where I can get decent shots of bridges, tunnels and archways and I don't mean my fallen arches as was suggested by one entertaining blipper! you knows who you are!

A week last Thursday I put out an SOS on FaceBook and Twitter looking for folks to donate unloved and unwanted accordions they may have languishing in cupboards and lofts as I needed 6 for some children on the island of Islay who were learning on borrowed accordions but the folks who had loaned them needed them back leaving the Islay kids with no accordions to learn on so in stepped the wonderful folks of FaceBook and Twitter and I now have 5 accordions donated with one being brand new and coming all the way from a wee island off the coast of England of all places and I think there may indeed be one more bringing my total to 6 donated accordions within 7 days. What a fantastic tool social networking is. I set the number at 6 thinking that was quite high but how wrong was I? If more came I would have still taken them but its amazing to hit our target. Even the BBC picked up on the story along with a few internet news sights. Thanks all and it fair restores ones faith in human kindness

The Islay children will be getting their boxes next month and I will blip the picture and Im hoping they will be able to compose a tune of thanks

Happy blipping all

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