Time for a change ...

By asheepdogdiary

Day 24 - Brunch

Toasted seeded bagel with bacon, egg, tomatoes, cream cheese and a little brown sauce all washed down with a mug of milky coffee
Total calories = 470

A sleepless night, a late up and even later by time all doggies walked and sorted, so at 11.30am do I have breakfast or combine breakfast with lunch? As we're off out for the afternoon I chose the latter ... besides which, I have been looking forward to this brunch for a week!

Might not look that photographically apealling, I do like my eggs murdered as well as my meat! I also had some distractions from my little helper, The Pocket Rocket, and my camera which managed to delete all the pictures on the memory card before I'd downloaded them! However, as they say, looks can be deceptive ... this tasted mighty good to me.

I've still got plenty of calories left for an afternoon snack and a jolly good dinner :)

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