By Jolly gosh, mummy has made 2 yrs,
2yrs of my mischief mayhem and fun,
all documented for you too see,
to laugh, cry and shake your head at,
from my first dribbley teething grins,
to my first steps,
to terrorising the house and all who step foot inside her!
A massive thank you too all at blip,
and those who have joined here,
for the support and letting us have,
a little space for a amazing journal!!

Who I am today!
A toddler, who is adorable, mad fun, bonkers,
A toddler who has daddy wrapped round her finger,
A toddler who knows her own mind,
A toddler who only has to smile, to win all hearts,
A toddler who likes only one syllable words,
A toddler who likes cheese for desert,
A toddler who has to have a cup tea for breakfast,
A toddler who farts like its the most lady like thing ever,
A toddler who dances on her toes, before walking into a wall,
A toddler who has the most infectious laugh,
A toddler who loves to draw.....on anything, walls floors etc,

I am me, I am fern-willow aged 2 years, 3 months, 23 days or 845 days I am loveable, adorable, beautiful, I keep you on your toes, I'm mad, I'm bad, I'm oh so cheeky, but those parents I own? They wouldn't have me any other way!!

(Mummy note, sorry for bad quality pic, using a compact again and not used to it, as fernie decided to trash my main one, (by accident, or so she claims as she handed it to me saying, OOPS, broke mummy!! Oh gotta love that girl!!!! ((she has also wrecked the compact :( at this rate I will be using this one of hers!!! This is her with Saskia who we saw today!! Such a beautiful lil girl, but she's not so sure on me, loves mister though!!)

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