Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Mummy Note
On throwing this into cs,
a little DollHouse voice popped into my head,
I had to convert to b&w,
but her eyes so gorgeous,
I had to leave them in color!
So DollHouse this one's for you! xx

Fernies Note
Thank you for the lovely comments yesterday,
On both Mummy's Blips
Today has been a lazy sunday,
This photo was taken,
when I was sat on mummys lap,
poking her, then giggling,
blowing rasberrys on her tummy,
and clapping in insane delight,
I discovered funny faces to pull,
How delightful!
Daddy was trying to kip on the sofa,
so mummy & I made it our mission,
to be as loud as possible,
Big noises, shouts, and high pitched screams,
Slapping daddys bald head,
before running and hiding,
throwing random objects in his vague direction,
hehe he soon gave up, lazy daddy,
hey hang on mummy were you dashing off to?
Hey hello? I was playing?!! Mummy?
Daddy informed me she had legged it for a nap,
sneaky mummy, how dare she!!
ppfffftttttt, fine back to terrorising daddy it is then!
She finally turned back up,
as daddy was dishing up tea,
(think she timed that on purpose!)
he looked rather frazzled,
well keeping him on his toes,
is what I do best!!

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