The Witham

as seen from St Botolphs, better known as The Boston Stump. Today Me, Fe and my Bro all climbed the 14,000,000 steps to the only part of the Stump open to the public. At best part of 3,000 feet in the air with just a waist high barrier and a two foot walkway its fair to say I was cacking myself. The climb nearly killed me, the shock of being so high tried to finish the job. However the feeling of looking out over the once proud town of Boston was quite invigorating.

It's fairly sad as Boston is now predominately an Eastern European town. I'm not a racist, but as I looked around I couldn't help but feel the town had been lost: the port, the Pilgrim fathers and all the history has been gobbled up by dodgy looking Polish shops and groups of menacing young men jabbering on in a completely incoherent tongue. It is intimidating in places, and in honesty I'm not a big fan. The church and the views however were first rate.

In other news Fe is down this weekend so I've been living a fairly packed itinerary. I was up before midday, I've played the doting uncle and tonight it's time to head out of the house (after dark: madness) for an Indian with my cherished other half. Having her here is ace, it's like a light has been flicked on when she arrives. Things aren't all dark when she isn't around, but they are better when she is. I'm soft at heart y'all.

My nephew is a real stunner as well. We played for an hour or two with blocks and toys, just me, Fe, Bro, Isaac and my Mum. Quality family time: you can't buy experiences like it. I'm blessed really that two weekends on the spin have been spent with both families. Tomorrow it's a stomp around the woods I grew up in followed by a trip to see Mo and Dad: That'll be three sets of parents visited and enjoyed over just two weekends. Ace.

Oh yeah my football team that gave me so much pride on Tuesday were rolled over miserably at Kettering today, 1-0. Kettering were the first team to have sponsors on their shirts when Kettering Tyres had 'KT' printed on the home kit back in the late 70's. Originally the club claimed it stood for Kettering Town but eventually were asked to remove them. They also had Paul Gascoinge as manager once. However all that history doesn't detract from the fact they are a team of amatuer players who shouldn't be on the same pitch as my Imps. How the Mighty (Imps) have fallen.

Right on to my Lamb Bhuna. I hope the owners aren't offended when I ask for chips.

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