stare down...

...between the princess diva and me

she was not a happy camper - giving me the evil eye as it were... looking at the black box as if it was the enemy and so likewise was i... getting a decent shot of her today became a challenge and i was not going to go down defeated... granted i'm not feeling well - and really didn't have a desire to do battle with the princess... but once the gauntlet is thrown - it's difficult for me to just walk away - and i had nothing else to post since i hadn't left the house...

so there we were... in our respective corners - the diva trying to bask in some sunlight... which i'm positive is why she was in such a snit - and me attempting to be super quick with the shutter snap... i got fortunate as there was a noise outside causing gracie to turn her head slightly towards me - allowing a couple shots... then she turned back - giving me this stare and quick as a wink, it was done - me barely containing a giggle as you can practically read the message contained therein "do not disturb"... cats are simply too funny... providing such amusement in addition to companionship and affection - i wouldn't have my princess diva any other way. i'm very grateful to have her - she makes for...


happy day.....

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