.....I want to break free.....

What a day!

Up early and out to meet the boys to remind them I'm not fishing tomorrow.

Home...and the phone rang...the Boss' youngest brother's girlfriend.....just catching up on how he's doing out in the Indian Ocean.

Phoned the Boss to tell her about the new arrangements for this evening....but she wasn't there.....spoke to her eldest brother who promised to pass on a message

Watched the football....but we're not taliking about that....except to say, if there was a rule clarification this week that a two footed tackle is a straight red card then surely when a player does a two footed tackle he should be sent off?

Then the Boss' youngest brother rang from Cairo, to tell us he wasn't sure when he'd be coming home, told him about the call from his girlfriend.

As three hours had gone by phoned the Boss again, got ther step-mother who informed me she'd just left to come back here. So obviously no message had been passed to her!

Just before 5.00, the Son and Heir, Young Helen and Charlie arrived, followed three minutes later by the Boss.

Charlie was entertained, fed, changed and put to bed.

Drove the S&H and YH down to town for their night out.

Ordered an Indian for the Boss and I.

The Boss watched Casualty....then we both watched CSI New York...the 10th anniversary 9/11 special.

Just as it ended, the phone rang....the S&H and Y wondering if I could go pick them up.

Now it's a coffee, a blip and bed ready for tomorrow.

I'm telling you, I can't handle this Rock 'n' Roll existence.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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