Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Pilings & Cotton Candy Sky

My husband and I went out early this morning to catch the sunrise, and it was a beauty. I wanted to take a shot of somewhere new, so I went to a spot that was close to 2 story building. I was getting ready for my shot and I heard some rustling noise on the stairs. I got a little nervous because I had walked some distance from the car where my husband was. I kept hearing the noise over and over and then I remembered that I had seen a homeless person sleeping on the stairs on the opposite side early one morning.

So, I was even more nervous and made a dash for the car. So, I didn't get my shot. Too bad we have to fear so many things in life.

I just couldn't decide which beach to take pictures from for the sunset tonight. It was foggy at Bastendorff and too populated at Sunset. I was early getting there, and I drove from Bastendorff to Sunset, then back to Bastendorff and back to Sunset. I finally stayed at Sunset, and I took a few shots of an area that I had noticed a few weeks ago. The sun wasn't quite right, so I walked away and thought I would come back to it. Well, this guy was watching me and what do you think, he went over to the same spot and set up his tripod and never moved it. I was never able to go back to my spot. So, again, I didn't get the shot I wanted.

I did get this shot of this family "walking" on the beach. I thought it was kind of funny how they were together, but not together. Maybe this is a little too pictorial of how some relationships are these days.

Have a great night.

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