Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ


Having a bit of a rant today, so warning you now, don't bother reading on, it's just me blowing off some steam and not directed at anyone that is likely to visit this site and read it.

I like to think I'm a positive person, and always look for the best in people, and the positive side to everything, but I do have a terrible habit of being able to 'tune out' if someone around me is being constantly negative, it's only because I don't want their negativity to bring me down too. It's a choice I make and I believe anyone can make that choice, no matter how bad things seem, the sun rises for everyone, the difference is the attitude. We need to all realized how powerful our thoughts are, and perhaps then would never think a negative thought.

For some I think negative thinking is a habit; like fear is a habit; so is self-pity, defeat, anxiety, despair, hopelessness and resignation, which over time, becomes an addiction. But why don't some people just get it, that you can eliminate all of these negative habits with two simple resolves: I can!! and I will!

I find that negative people can be a challenge to be around. They will bring you down and drain your energy. A negative person can throw your best laid plans to be positive right out the window.

However, I will remain positive in the face of negativity.

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