Action Cat!

Jakey-Boy on a big tree.

He loves being out in the garden when someone is watching him. He can then be relied upon to run up a big tree, cling on to it and say "Look, I can do this, me!" And then he usually leaps off and runs up another one.

So in view of all the sleepy blips that there have been lately of Jakey-Boy, here is one of him not so sleepy looking. For davetherave1947, who thinks Jakey-Boy does nothing but sleep! See, not true!

Here's one of him on another walk.

Had a good night out last night. It was very, very memorable indeed. It was quite unbelievable how so much fun and hilarity could come about entirely by accident and without any planning. It was very entertaining for the nine of us girlies involved and early indications suggest it was quite amusing for all those lucky people who were watching us perform, as perform we did.

But what happens when the two gals on the front row, completely loose it and both at the same time? Well, in this instance... a dollop of chaos ensues, withmuch laughter, followed by more laughter and giggles. And to think that we both know this dance inside out. Not so!

The things that (supposedly?!) grown-up women do for fun...!

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