Me, myself & I

By AlisonMM

Old Fashioned Delivery Bike

Another in my occasional series of bikes I spot round London. This one is just outside a restaurant that just opened in the Aldwych. The counter inside looks just like an old-fashioned Sainsburys that I can just about remember from my childhood where you queued up at each section and had everything weighed out.

I'm back up and running! I've replaced my camera with a little Kodak. My first digital camera was a Kodak and I loved it. I replaced it with a Sony and never really got to grips with it. Sooo back to Kodak. The day it was delivered (I got a good deal on Ebay) was the day I heard Kodak had folded. Shame.

The OM bought me another Kindle - I'm guarding this one with my life. He's been away skiing this week and this coincided with me moving back to my house. It's all decorated and carpeted and the new sofa arrives on Saturday. The cats are very pleased I'm back!

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