Life's Too Short

By MRuddle


Did a spot of table waiting last night at the parents association ball at school last night. Mum has been quite heavily involved in organising it and she asked if I would help out. Needless to say I wasn't too keen on giving up my Saturday night, however the promise of £50 payment and tips was mentioned and I signed up pretty quickly. I actually ended up having quite a good time, the hall (normally a dull box) was decorated very nicely and I managed to capture this picture just before all hell broke loose.

Indian food is probably some of my favourite, and the Bollywood theme meant that it was in abundance, one of the starters was a masala fried fish thing which was probably one of the best dishes I have tasted in some time. The highlight of the evening though had to be Toby spilling curry over the table where the headmaster, deputy head (or 'second master' as our school call it for no apparent reason), and the bursar were all sitting with their wives. It went all over his crotch and sleeve and then spattered the Bursar's wife. He then tried to put down the enormous stand thing the dish was in (you can kind of see one at the back of the picture) and knocked over an open bottle of water which emptied it's contents all over the table, floor beneath and the deputy head's wife's scarf. Great fun.

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