Life's Too Short

By MRuddle

Caution! Physics is Boring!

I only ever took physics beyond GCSE because I thought I wanted to do engineering at university. Big mistake. Not only do I not like it but less than a term into my AS year I realised that I didn't want to be an engineer any more. Physics is by far the most boring subject that I take and I really wish I hadn't done it. Everybody told me that doing something I didn't like was a bad idea but I thought I knew better. So the moral of this story is that when people tell you to do what you enjoy, do what they say. There is nothing worse that having to spend ages learning things that you really do not care about or understand. It is much better to do things that you enjoy, speaking of which...

We are performing the 'Real Inspector Hound' tomorrow at school, staring me as a dead body. Had a first proper run through this afternoon and I have come to a conclusion... being dead hurts. Lying on your front for an hour on a hard floor is not exactly the definition comfortable, and at the end my left arm was on the verge of falling off and my chest felt like it was caving it. I do however get to listen to my I-pod during the performance and I am about to put together a play-list to put on. Any ideas for ironic songs to listen to whilst dead are most welcome.

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