Enter the Dragon

Spent a few hours in Chinatown today, with Fisherking and his family.

We left James at a friends house - wise move, as Chinatown was absolutely bonkers - heaving with people, noisy with firecrackers and at times, quite claustrophobic.

But fun.

A real spectacle, and it pandered to my love of people watching.

Only downside was being elbowed in the neck by some bloke, who at his age should have known better, but clearly he was determined to get his shot even if it meant assaulting me in the process. He got a sharp elbow back in the ribs - I told Corin later, and he told me it was a good job he hadn't been stood with me!!!

T'others are here

Still feel like crap...had to go to bed again when I got in. Got up, cooked tea and am shortly going to soak in the bath then get back in to bed so that I can face the week with some energy at least.

2 more weeks and I return to the doctor - by then, these tablets should have either started to have an effect, or not. As it stands at the moment, I feel worse than I ever did, as the pain has not subsided and I have had a permanent headache, with dizziness and utter exhaustion for the last week. All is not well....I don't understand what THEY don't understand about this situation!

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