A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Passion Flower

Took this at my grandma's house tonight- went over for a visit before our holiday. Very difficult. Even though my gramps died over two years ago, I still expect to see him when I poke my head into the living room. Its difficult. He was the best grandad I could have ever wished for and I miss him very much. Grandma isn't the same without him - she likes to complain a lot more, about everyone and everything - I find that difficult too. Then I feel guilty because she's my gran, and I love her to bits, and I don't want to think bad of her.

I thought getting older would make all of this sort of stuff easier, but actually its hard.

Gramps cut this passion flower plant right back once, to the frustration of his neighbour, who thought that he had butchered it. Just came back stronger. It covers the whole of the side of the shed, and is creeping down the washing line. Pretty clever the way it attaches itself too. (Link here)

On a cheerier note - Corin decided to give Sparky the cat a proper bath tonight. They are currently locked in the bathroom whilst Corin dries him off. Water everywhere, very disgruntled cat, but to be fair, he was bloody filthy!

My the way, in the attempt by my family to take over the world, or at least blip, My number 1 Aunt! has joined blip. I can't run and I can't hide (because my knees are weak and I can't be quiet that long!)

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