
I am struggling to explain why I have chosen to post this image. Went for coffee with Roy (my step-dad) this morning, after having been to the Town Hall to get an NIE number (Spanish equivalent of National Insurance) - for reasons that just don't need going into here.

we went to the newly opened Club house at Mum and Roy's golf course - very impressive building - am going back with proper camera next week. Had a coffee and sat out watching putting and driving practice taking place.

Was desperate to get a shot of these two blokes - they were something to do with the interior design/set up of the bar and restaurant. However, they kept their backs to us most of the time.

I was amused by the chap with the text on his bottom. When combined with the "Man bag" and also (out of shot) the gold lame trainers, and his oversized belly and exceptionally well gelled hair, he was a sight to behold. The hand on hip stance was just the icing on the cake.

Gosh I AM a bitch.

Thanks for reading and thanks for the positive comments from yesterday's new experience...many of you will not appreciate that for all of my bolshiness I am actually quite nervous about approaching people!


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