Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Sometimes Things Have to Get Worse...

...before they get better. That's what I keep telling myself when I despair of sorting out this mess.

Today started very badly. I decided to trim Miss Annie's toenails, cut one of them too short, and drew blood. It took quite a while to stop and I felt terrible for having hurt her. I stayed home to keep an eye on her while Cynthia went to a fundraiser for our favored candidate for the state governor election.

After Annie was settled down and sleeping soundly, I started on my (very long) to-do list, which included overdue editing of photos I took for a fundraiser back in November. Then I discovered photos from a December NSEA work party that also had to be edited -- it wasn't on my list but it needed to be done.

I wanted a break from the computer after all that photo editing, so I went down to my shop and started setting up the jointer I bought a few months ago. I'd misplaced a couple of the parts -- very easy to do in the midst of all that stuff. Before I knew it, Cynthia was knocking on the door to tell me it was dinner time. I didn't feel like going back down there to work tonight but did force myself to take a photo.

Now I'm going to watch one more episode of Downton Abbey. I haven't caught up with it on the TV yet -- I'm watching earlier episodes on my Mac.

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