Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

de nombreux ponts pour traverser...

What is in a journey...distance travelled...the destination...embodiment of endeavour ?

One of my many injuries came back to haunt me today, it's a pesky thing, spasms in my shoulder and neck from an old bike crash. It got me to thinking about the scars we all bare, the things that shape us. I have grown used to the pains and discomfort from brakes, sprains, tears and pulls, funny that they have become familiar companions in my life now.

What would I be without them, without the things that I have experienced shaping me, the heartache, joy, love, anger, pain and peace? What is in a journey?......well, this is one of my little sayings "Where ever you go, there you are". It means to me that all we are goes with us, if you know who you are, what you want, mean what you say...say what you mean, obey your own rules and most of all....know yourself, then you are the stone that your castle is built on. The decisions you make will be yours, whether they turn out to be right or wrong, whether you have many options or little, you are there, alive and awake.

I am lucky that I can feel good about my journey, my experiences have lead me to many wonderful things, each little journey, each step, thought.....all mine. The pain in my neck....well, not so much fun, but it lets me know I am alive.

A difficult day to get through, I felt awkward, not my usual lithe self, fragile and damaged, weak, just a gentle reminder of all the things that I have to be grateful for.

After a nice rest and a couple of heat pads I am feeling a little better, part of the journey.

Just one of the 'many bridges to cross!'

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